About Us
Who We Are
Sisters Together and Reaching, Inc. (STAR) is a 501(c) 3, non-profit, federally recognized, Community-Based/Faith-Based Organization created in 1991. Created to address inequities in services to African American women and their families living with HIV/AIDS in Baltimore City, STAR has provided support services to HIV infected women and their families in the Baltimore metropolitan area since 1991, and to HIV infected men since 1997.
STAR is located in the heart of Baltimore City. Its primary facility is situated in a predominately low income African American community where HIV/AIDS and other STIs such as syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HPV, and herpes, and other diseases are prevalent and complicated by substance abuse, domestic violence, crime, poverty, unemployment, substandard housing and a multitude of other social ills.
Since 1991, STAR has serviced over 40,000 persons who were identified as high risk individuals, 7% of whom were PLWHA. Our relationship in community is solid and we are known throughout the eligible metropolitan area for our Health Education Risk-Reduction (HERR) services, direct services and Counseling, Testing, and Referral Services (CTRS) via a mobile unit and special events that are coordinated and collaborated with faith communities and AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs).
STAR has developed multiple collaborative partnerships with traditional and non-traditional partners to continue working effectively with the HIV+ and high-risk communities to address not only HIV but also other health disparities associated with HIV. STAR services include nontraditional outreach, customer advocacy, medical case management, prevention case management, Mental Health services, capacity building assistance locally and nationally, financial assistance, support groups, street outreach, and resource information, referrals, art and writing therapy, pastoral and life situational counseling, prevention education, volunteer training workshops, confidential HIV counseling and testing and buddy support to many women, men and community residents. Populations served are general population, incarcerated population, minority women and men.
STAR deploys Community Health Workers to mitigate poor health outcomes to clients living with cardiovascular, kidney, diabetic, mental health, substance abuse, etc, disparities in their homes and provides health and wellness education in alignment with the Affordable Care Act and assist with health benefits navigation.